Our mission is to help non profit rescue organizations dedicated in helping dogs find foster and/or adoption homes.
The idea of starting this sticker shop was born one day after seeing a story urgently seeking a foster family for a beautiful Jindo that was surrendered without reasonable cause. I reshared their story and a friend reached out to them and became a foster for one of their dogs.
During the foster period she discovered that the dog had multiple health complications. The vet bill along with the list of medications the pupper needed was very expensive to say the least. I was thinking of ways that the boys and I could contribute towards these expenses since I wasn't able to foster dogs myself. Living in a small humble condo and with King's PTSD meeting new dogs I knew it would not be the ideal environment. I noticed that the rescues created GoFundme pages to assist their fosters. That's when I knew how we could help was through financial contributions.
I knew I wanted to create a shop sharing my passion for all things Shiba but the hurdle was I couldn't draw a straight line. I set my plans to find and work with talented artists who not only have a love for animals but also wanted to contribute towards this cause. We're creating items that we hope you'll enjoy and donating the proceeds (after business expenses) to dog foster families. It's a triple hitter! We have an opportunity to contribute financially, showcase the artists' talent, and you have something tangible that will remind you of your own contibutions.
For now it's starting off small with stickers but we hope to grow more with different items. In the meantime, I appreciate you reading this and supporting this cause. Without you none of this would be possible.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Cynthia and the Shiba Bros